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We train you to become an officer in the Canadian Coast Guard. The 45-month training covers in-class theory at the college and practical experience at sea on Coast Guard vessels.

When you apply to the Officer Training Program, you’ll be applying for both a degree program and a job with the Public Service of Canada. You become an employee upon acceptance into the training program.

This section will help you understand and prepare you for the admissions process.

Services and information

Before you apply

What you need to know before applying to the Officer Training Program.

Admission requirements

Learn about the educational requirements, prerequisites by province, conditions of employment to apply to the Officer Training Program.

Submit your application

Apply to the Officer Training Program.

Candidate assessment process

Learn about the application timeline, how to prepare for the written assessment and interview, the competencies being evaluated, security clearance, medical and learning accommodations.

Candidate hiring process

The steps involved once you have been selected to join the Officer Training Program.

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